Affordable Periodontal Treatment in Delhi: All That You Need To Know

Gum disease is the most prevalent disease affecting mankind. Gum diseases is a small term encompassing a large number of gum disorders. Gum diseases may be caused by infection, deficiency of certain important nutrients, trauma or injury or may be due to the abnormal or uncontrolled growth of gum tissue.

Whatever the cause, there is a specific solution to each depending on the causative factor. However, in generalized form, the term “periodontal treatment” is used for treatment of any gum related disorder. Identification of the causative factor is the key to successful treatment.

Central to most gum diseases is the improper oral hygiene. Most of the cases are in early stages and easily respond to scaling and polishing which in simple terms is called as teeth cleaning. Slightly advanced cases may need flap surgery which is a small surgical surgery aiming to clear off the food debris which goes deeper in the gums. Advanced cases may also need gone grating to regenerate the bone lost as a result of disease.

Whatever the gum problem, We at Dr. Garg’s Dental Centre have a solution to it. We are the experts in gum care and treatment. We use state of the art-dental lasers to remove the root cause of the infection and to ensure rapid healing of the tissues.Right from simple scaling to complex gum procedures such as soft tissue or hard tissue replacements, we treat you with the latest advances to provide the best results.

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