How to Find Pediatric Dentist in Delhi?

Pediatric Dentistry is a branch of dentistry that specifically caters to the dental health needs of children. Treating children is usually not easy...a deep understanding of the child psychology is a must. 

From a child’s perspective, a visit to a dental office is often perceived as punishment. So most patients are extremely fearful and even reluctant to enter the clinic. Overcoming their fear and gaining the trust of a child patient is the first step which a dentist must achieve so as to make the child sit on the dental chair.

Now comes the actual problem of treating the child. For grown-up children, a Tell-Show-Do technique is the most successful one. This helps to relieve the child”s fear of the actual procedure and instills confidence in the treating dentist.

For very small children and extremely uncooperative children, sedation is the only solution. A medicine injected intravenously sedates the child and at the same time makes them responsive to verbal commands. And for a few reserved cases, where sedation is not successful, the last resort is General anesthesia.

With the current food habits of children, pediatric patients form a large percentage of dental patients today. Previously any problem in milk tooth was treated by just one solution i.e extraction of the tooth but nowadays there is a lot of emphasis on saving milk teeth as they guide the eruption of permanent teeth. 

We at Dr. Garg’s Multispeciality Dental Clinic Centre in New Delhi, India offers complete range of treatments for the pediatric patient. 

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