Get Root Canal Treatment in India

Root Canal Treatment is a commonly performed dental procedure. It is normally indicated in a tooth affected by cavity or fracture which extends up to the vital portion of the tooth (Dental Pulp). In such cases, the patient presents with acute pain in the teeth. However, the procedure is also indicated in discolored or teeth having the infection even if there is no pain clinically.

The procedure aims at removal of the nerve inside the tooth which is responsible for all the sensations in the tooth. However since the selective removal of the nerve is not possible, the entire dental pulp tissue is removed. Space is then thoroughly cleaned and shaped to receive the filling. After completion of the root canal therapy, a crown is advised to secure the tooth firmly.

A root canal treatment is perceived to be very lengthy and very painful. However, thanks to the recent advances in dentistry, most root canals today are performed as a completely painless single sitting procedure.

With the change in dietary pattern and switching over to a sugary and refined diet, a large percentage of the population suffers from tooth decay. In the initial stages, the decay is rectifiable by a simple filling. As it extends deeper, it impinges on the nerve tissue causing pain. Root Canal treatment is a microsurgical procedure. It immediately provides pain relief and saves tooth for long-term function.

We at Dr. Garg’s Multispeciality Dental Centre in New Delhi, India, routinely perform single sitting Root canals. Through our special anxiety reduction protocol, we help anxious patients to relax.

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