How to Get Bottle Tooth Decay Treatment?

Baby bottle tooth decay also called Nursing Bottle Caries is seen in infants who are put to sleep with feeding bottle containing milk in their mouth. The milk remains in contact with the teeth overnight leading to dental caries. Most people think that milk by itself is not sweet; adding sugar to it makes it sweet. But even sugar-free milk is equally cariogenic.

This form of tooth decay is normally seen in the lower anterior teeth; the upper anterior teeth usually escape from decay because they get covered by tongue.

Bottle Tooth Decay Treatment
The appearance of teeth affected by these caries appears dark and discolored. The teeth also lose their hardness and become soft. 

The best way to avoid Nursing Bottle Caries is to avoid letting the baby sleep with feeding bottle in the mouth. The teeth should be brushed before the child goes to sleep. At the first sign of tooth decay, the child should be taken for a dental examination to assess the extent of the damage. 

Fillings might be helpful in early stages but in later stages where caries have advanced considerably, either a root canal treatment or extraction of teeth might be indicated.

The treatment of bottle tooth decay should be done as early as it is diagnosed. Postponing it just because the child is too young will only lead to complications later.

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