Is teeth whitening for me?


Is Teeth whitening for me?

In my 20 years of my clinical practice, I have been confronted with this question many times. Of course, teeth whitening chemicals too were in an evolving phase and there is a drastic change in what we tell patients now as to what to expect after tooth whitening.

How white would me teeth be after whitening?

Another major concern of every patient is “How white my teeth are going to be after the whitening procedure?” A lot of brands available in the market promise a drastic improvement in shade (Up to 8 shades lighter!!)

Let me clear some common misconceptions about teeth whitening one by one.

Is teeth whitening actually "whitening"?

First of all, the term “teeth Whitening” itself is a misnomer. As the term suggests, patients expect that their teeth will be absolutely white after the procedure. However, the colour of the teeth is never white. It is a combination of white and yellow in varying proportions. As you age, the outer covering of the enamel starts wearing off. It then starts reflecting the colour of layer below it, which is slightly yellowish in colour.

Similarly, the amount of whitening achieved after the procedure is largely governed by the amount of enamel present in a tooth. Therefore, the results may vary from person to person and even in different teeth in the same mouth.

How long does whitening last?

The results of whitening treatment do not last a lifetime. Just like hair cutting, it has to be repeated to maintain the results. The duration the results of whitening, depends on one’s eating habits. Those who eat a lot of food containing colors (Indian food specifically containing red chili, turmeric etc) and those who consume a lot of acidic and aerated drinks, the results would be short lived.

Is whitening safe?

Modern chemicals contain ingredients which are perfectly safe to use. A very meager percentage may have teeth sensitivity but it subsides within 1-2 days.

In a nutshell, teeth whitening procedure is extremely safe and is recommended by dentists worldwide. Out of various brands available in the market, Zoom is considered the gold standard for teeth bleaching worldwide.

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