What is the success rate of Root Canal Treatment?


Root Canal Treatment also known as RCT in short is one of the most commonly performed dental procedure.

When is the Root Canal Treatment advised?

It is usually performed when the cavity is deep enough to involve the dental pulp. The patient usually experiences excruciating pain in the involved tooth. At times toot canal treatment is also needed in cases where there is an infection below the tooth.

What is done during a Root Canal?

Root Canal Treatment simply involves removing the dental pulp inside the tooth, cleaning and reshaping the area and filling the area with special filling materials. It can be done both in milk and permanent teeth.

Previously root canal treatment used to be a very lengthy procedure performed over multiple sittings. Thanks to the advent of modern rotary instrument systems; most root canals can be completed as a single sitting procedure.

Is it painful?

Another myth associated with the root canal treatment is that it is highly painful. The fact is that the root canal treatment is performed under local anesthesia, making it completely painless.

Success rate of Root Canals

A properly done root canal has a success rate of over 99%. However, anatomic variations among the teeth can lead to failure of the even best performed RCT’s. These include presence of extra or accessory canals/ nerves inside the tooth. It is also advisable to get a crown over a root canal treated tooth to prevent it from fracture as the tooth becomes brittle.

A well root canal treated tooth functions for years, and feels just as normal as a natural tooth. To know more about Root Canal Treatment, please visit https://dental-clinic-delhi.com/single-sitting-root-canal-treatment

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