Are TMJ disorders stress related?


TMJ disorders is a collective term used for a group of ailments that can affect the temporo-mandibular joint.

What is TMJ?

Temporo-mandibular joint is a joint of lower jaw to the skull. It can be felt just in front of the middle part of the ear. This joint is responsible for movement of lower jaw during chewing, speaking etc.

What ailments are included in TMJ disorders?

TMJ disorders include a wide range of disorders that may be caused by trauma, inflammation, wearing of joint surfaces, disorders of the cartilage disc in between the joint or cancerous in origin.

Symptoms of TMJ disorders

The most common presentation of a TMJ problem is a dull ache radiating to head, neck or even back. The pain is usually continuous and is usually of an intensity to interfere with the daily routine of the patient. Pain killers only provide short-duration relief-the pain reoccurs as soon as the effect of pain-killer vanishes.

Stress and TMJ

TMJ disorders are usually related to stress. When in stress, we tend to clench our jaw-knowingly or unknowingly. The repeated clenching causes the muscles of the jaw located around the TMJ point to go in to spasm. So when the jaw is opened a stretch is felt around the area. Associated complications may include excessive wearing down of the teeth (Bruxism).

Treatment of TMJ disorders

The most important part in the treatment of TMJ disorders is the diagnosis f the underlying cause. In most cases it is due to stress. Rest to the joint by having soft diet and hot fomentation of the joint is very helpful is resolving the acute symptoms. Long term improvement is based on removal of the etiologic agent.

For more information related to TMJ disorders and their management, please visit

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