Affordable Smile Upgrade: Flexible Denture Cost in Delhi Made Easy

For patients who do not want dental implants or in cases where dental implants cannot be done, dentures still continue to be a viable treatment option in such cases. Traditional dentures are made of a crylic (a form of plastic) and this makes them highly rigid. Inserting and removing such dentures puts a lot of stress on the remaining teeth and with time these remaining teeth get loose too.

flexible dentures

In cases like these, flexible dentures are indicated. Their ability of being soft and elastic makes them easy to fit and being easily acceptable to the patient. Flexible denture can be used for missing back teeth as well as for front teeth. There is no specific benefit of making complete dentures which are flexible.

Flexible denture cost

If you are looking for flexible denture cost in Delhi, India, you need to know that flexible dentures are made up of a special fiber glass like material and therefore expensive than the conventional dentures. The cost will depend on number of factors such as the number of teeth missing, whether the denture is unilateral/bilateral and of course the skill of the fabricating technician. Even the fitting of flexible dentures requires a high degree of skill and precision.

Disadvantages of Flexible dentures

This does not mean that they offer best clinical solution for any situation. Flexible dentures disadvantages include high costs and their inability to be used as implant supported-dentures. Also flexible dentures are more prone to bacterial build-ups and require strict cleaning of dentures. No additions or repair of flexible dentures is possible unlike normal dentures which can be repaired easily.

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