The incidence of dental decay is increasing at an alarming rate in all age groups of the population. The particularly high affected age groups is of the young children with still baby teeth in their mouth. This is primarily attributed to the increase in refined sugars in the diet and a negligible consumption of raw fruits and vegetables.
Consumption of food in raw form provides a mechanical cleaning of the teeth and at the same time provides a functional stimulation for jaw growth. However, in children there is an increased consumption of burgers, pizza, french fries, toffees..all of which stick on the teeth and cause tooth decay.
Dental decay doesn’t develop overnight, it takes months together for the food stuck between teeth to dissolve the enamel. Therefore if a meticulous oral hygiene is followed on a daily basis, oral hygiene can be easily maintained.
Dental decay doesn’t develop overnight, it takes months together for the food stuck between teeth to dissolve the enamel. Therefore if a meticulous oral hygiene is followed on a daily basis, oral hygiene can be easily maintained.
Here are some very small tips for your teeth
- Brush daily to remove plaque and food debris lodged on the tooth surface.
- Always use a soft bristle brush and follow the proper brushing technique. For infants and small children, a finger silicone brush or a small baby brush has to be used by the parents for brushing.
- Toothpastes do not have any major role in brushing. However in children a fluoride content toothpaste is recommended for its anti cavity action.
- Never make the child sleep at night with a bottle of milk in the mouth. This is by far the biggest reason for dental decay in small children.
- Encourage children to eat more of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Last but not the least, a dental check up is must every 6 months be it a child or adult.

These dental education tips if followed properly can go a long way in keeping all Dental Problems away...
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